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The Religious God

ocean full of religions and not a drop of peace
~ my soul
yes this is how I  feel things are everywhere….
I have not been blogging since dec.2012. I  didn’t know what to write. My restless soul didn’t encourage me to type or write. So I just let it wander aimlessly for some time before it told me to share this piece of my thought with you .
I am not one of those who would watch something bad happen and look somewhere else cos that is not my problem, NO, I am not one of those who would not get up till the they were not going to be directly hurt by something..
I am not a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian, I am neither a believer of caste or class….I do not belong to any tag except for what I was born as…a human.
Please understand I have nothing against religions, but those who misrepresent it, those who choose to read and understand what they wish to and use it to manipulate others. It is sad and scary how violent people get in the name of Religion. 
 If your God was how you behaved here on earth, there would be a  full fledged battle royale going on in the Heaven between Gods of all religions for the best place in Heaven and with  telecast rights to the highest bidder cos that is what you do and well No body loves reality Entertainment like God does or else we would not be here, what say ?
I see people around me shouting and screaming in the name of religion, banning, protesting against books,music,dance,clothes,movies cos they find them against their religion, and I ask them where were you when a girl was gang raped and left on the streets to die and the whole nation was protesting against rise in crime. why don’t you find it against your religion and protest when an infant is raped or a child is killed in the womb or left in the streets to die.I ask where were/are these groups,these so called bodyguards of their Gods and Religions when the common man was/is battling the most serious disease called corruption.I ask everyone around me why this indifference?
I find it funny and sad both when people fight in name of religion and take out their religious texts to quote something
I find it funny when people don’t understand a simple thing That GOD DIDN’T WRITE RELIGION,WE DID.
we insult Gods creation every day, we rape God’s art everyday and then shout how our God is being insulted by a painting or a song!!!
I find it disturbing when a person changes his or her religion cos it was not giving them the peace they wanted. If they had really read and tried to follow the religion they decided to abandon, they would have understood that the only way to serve God and follow religion
is to help others,
is to follow love and peace,
is to keep this earth beautiful,
is to let the earth breathe clean air,
is to let the sky be blue,
is to let the rivers dance,
is to throw away cages and let the birds and animals free
is to break all the shackles and let others be.
There are many who will not agree with me , I don’t care, I don’t care because you talk about centuries old traditions and culture and if we are going back then correct me if i am wrong, but in the beginning our forefathers were following just one religion and doing just one thing…Survive-trying to find food, hunting and wearing tree barks and animal hides, so religion isn’t that old, is it…but we humans are….
I let my soul absorb everything, every happy and disturbing bit and try to do the right, serve others, follow god who is everywhere, in everything, appreciate his art, keep everyone in my prayers and try to make at least one soul laugh each day.
and in this ocean full of religions I  try and find peace.
And when I go to sleep every night I pray for every heart filled with hatred to find some peace,I pray that they see and understand that if you are not human, no religion or no amount of money in the world will ever be able to provide you any peace.I pray the lost souls understand that joy is not found in malls or a brilliantly made structure but is inside everyone and you will only feel it when you give some of it to others.
for humanity is the only religion God wrote and that is the only religion God would ever want us to follow.

About Soma Mukherjee

I often say things that put me in a jam, Jams go well with Buttered Toasts, Toasts are great hosts, Ghosts not so much, Although they can dance, Not all dancers are serial killers, Serial killers do not use Body bags that often, body bags aren't leak proof, Proof is in the Pudding.

125 responses »

  1. Pingback: My 1st week of February thus far ( Sat-Wed) | niki1k

  2. You are so right! I am appalled at the fights going on around the world in the name of religion. The only hope is when more of us awaken to love and spread it around the small world that we create around us. Lets hope for a better future for our children!

  3. I believe God is disappointed. We are murdering woman and children in useless wars and allowing children to starve to death. Jesus said. “He who loved the child. Follow in his path.” I pray for a better world. I like your thoughts. Alive and hopeful.

  4. Very well said ‘ocean full of religions and not a drop of peace’ because people think religion is not love , compassin, compatibility and friendship but some rituals, arrogance and to demean people who have different views about religion. Very good post.

  5. I read your post and almost didn’t comment…not because I was offended but because I was saddened that so many have been hurt and soured by religion.
    I am a Christian but I don’t consider that a religion. I believe in it’s true meaning it is supposed to be a way of life. I can honestly say I don’t hate anyone and while I don’t mind sharing my beliefs, Jesus just offered abundant life…He didn’t try to force anyone to accept it.
    In my relationship with Christ I find a “peace that passes understanding”.
    I am concerned with the evil and the terrible things that people do to each other and I will speak out to protect them but even in speaking out sometimes that is misunderstood.
    One thing God has taught me over the years…It is not my purpose in life to be loved or to be served. It is my purpose to love others and to serve others.
    My prayer and hope is that you have peace in your heart and spread that love and peace to others.

    • I agree with what you said and do get you . quoting what you wrote- “It is not my purpose in life to be loved or to be served. It is my purpose to love others and to serve others.” thats what i am saying understand your religion before you start fighting in its name, cos if you did you wont fight..
      Thanks for the reply

  6. Haha! Glad to see a wise lady who has similar concepts about all these illogical religional and caste based concepts exisitng especially in our inredible India.
    “Born as a Human being who is not having any specific interest in religion or caste by birth!
    PS: It might be all because of the RACIAL DISCRIMINATION related nonsenses existing in my society, I’m still known as a Hindu guy.”
    Adapted this from my religious views column in Facebook! 😛 😉


  7. Hey, I know you are very busy, but check out my post tomorrow as I have nominated you for an award (well, two, actually).

  8. Greetings from Warsaw!
    Have a look at my new photo album.

    Waiting for Spring

  9. Beautiful stuff as always!

  10. Powerful post Soma, May I put it on my post’s I love section. Maiya

  11. You’ve disappeared again! Come back, come back, wherever you are!

  12. Hi Soma,

    Great to see this refreshing piece after quite a while. You have articulated the aspect of how many of us hold religion hostage to gain power over others.Does such a mindset come from underlying beliefs which commandeer our actions? Or are these deliberate attempts to mislead? Or both? I believe as we get near to answering these questions, we just might come across paths opening up towards solutions.


  13. I hope that you will be back writing
    your usual style soon Soma, the world
    has gone quite mad my great friend 😦

    Have a lovely day
    and evening Soma 🙂 xxxx

  14. That is one of the most powerful blogs I’ve read in a long time. I’m glad I stopped by to take a look at your page. Jai Hind!

  15. Humanity is one religion for all of us. No religion is outside it. Your point of view is beautiful. There should not be any clash between different religions as all basically promote peace and love. The reality is unfortunately different and we will do well to do our bit to change this unfortunate atmosphere every where. I salute you for this effort.

  16. You’re writing again 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hooray 🙂 xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoo Love and ONLY LOVE XO C

    • It seems someone up there has a problem with me blogging, the moment i declare i want to come back something happens..i am fed up….. the day after i posted this post my daughter went down with bad flu for two weeks then my husband and then I met an accident and now on a bedrest with fractured toe….

      • i’m so sorry about your daughter and hubby – i don’t think anyone “UP THERE ” has a problem with you blogging or you expressing yourself – Maybe sometimes it’s just timing – u know ? Sometimes when i have an idea – and my heart is about to burst with an idea – i totally get stopped by what’s happening in life – so maybe it’s the same thing – i dunno soma star > xxxx tons of love to You and Bonita and your hubby xxxxxxx hearts hearts and more hearts xo C

  17. HI Soma, lovely to read you again. Thought of you sometimes and hoped all was well. I could have written that and I definitely think and say all the truths you shared. You express the thoughts of many, you know.
    Yes, the written has replaced the living and the bullies have settled in the temples and yes religion which was a song of life and glory and beauty has become a tool to fulfill some of the lowest tendencies in the male vertebrae that lead them. we need to really harness our best inner creative potential to give some space to life to manifest and grow properly.
    Yes, India is really in a bad state although it is still vibrating with life and the eternal spirit is still in the air and the heart, although filled with pain, still alive and finding a way out of the cage. But yes, I have been visiting since 25 years and living here since 3 years now and i never expected the damage was so big and that the hurt to humaneness and life was so deep.
    But there is also an awakening that may be bigger than we see. Everywhere, people are opening their eyes and an increasing number are asking the real questions. They need to be empowered so they can face those questions and start reconquer their own life and free themselves from all those who seek to enslave them. It has been my job since I think for myself and omg, what a daunting task. But what else can we do than do it?
    Soma, I will be in Delhi early March for a workshop I am conducting on self awareness and inner alignment and would be very happy to share a cup of chai. Brotherly love,

    • Thanks a bunch and lovely reply there…hey do tell me the dates cos i have two trips planned in march and i want to be here when you come for workshop…
      hugs 🙂

      • Hi Soma, very happy to read your reply. I will be in Delhi from 27th Feb to 11th March – busy 1,2,3 March with the workshop ‘Breakthrough – refocus yourself, empower your life’; we have around 10 participants, probably nice people. Then busy week end of 9-10 building website with friends … free for the rest of the time. Hope we can meet!

  18. I am lucky to found your blog from Indira jis blog… have a very nice blog here. I completely agree with you….this is how I feel. Thanks for sharing such a lovely thoughts. Looking forward to read more from your wonderful blog.

  19. You have spoken my heart, Soma. I can only add…amen.
    So glad you found your pen again. You have been missed. ❤

    • Thanks Red I am glad to be able to blog again although someone up there has planned some lovely hurdles on the way..lying down with a fractured toe now
      Missed reading your posts a lot hey how are the FF darlings still whining and sending you hate mails 🙂

      • Still whining, yet I haven’t the time to answer as I used to. I have a new book coming out on the first and am trying to publish another one at the same time for another author. So far, we have released a dozen this year! Rest that bum flipper, Soma. Please, do not kick any more furniture!! ❤

      • A fractured toe? Oh my. I hope that heals quickly. It does not sound very pleasant.

  20. What a powerful return. Just letting you know that I consider myself to be religious, yet I found nothing insulting! Good to have you back.

  21. I came across one of my old postings today where one of your comments was posted. I love what you have to say. in many ways it mirrors me and the frustrations I feel in my humble attempts to make my world a better world. Evil is certainly powerful, but i know my Lord and personal Savior is many times more powerful of even the once creator of Good that because of the blessing of free will….God’s gift….turned to Evil. Continued Blessings in your journey.
    McKinney, Eustace and Gun Barrel City, Texas

  22. When we address the gods we believe
    ‘the merciful one’ is always the adjective
    As life runs out as if through a sieve
    why don’t we just live and let live
    It’s always your god or mine which one is superlative
    to others views and beliefs we’re ever repudiative
    what do we intend to receive
    by making others to grieve
    a beautiful post to showcase your angst and your peeve.

    Soma, this world need more of your kind and of your kindness. 🙂

  23. So glad to have presence back in our community. All the best. 🙂

  24. Now that you are back and writing
    with such wisdom and panache I will
    just say how wonderful you are 🙂 xx

  25. strong strokes, Somaji.
    We have religious leaders behaving like Al Capone, these days. Violence and fear is used to spread the codes and norms of beliefs by people who claim to be advocates of a religion or the other. The real believers (or non-believers) for that fact is getting confused in this little world we live in. It is difficult for many of us to understand these kinds of dramas and still continue to live in nthis world. I’ve been getting restless too with all this social mockery happening right unhder our nose and there is nothing we can do. These mad people would burn us…

  26. I have really missed you… 🙂

    Very well spoken “please understand I have nothing against religions, but those who misrepresent it, those who choose to read and understand what they wish to and use it to manipulate others – it is sad and scary how violent people get in the name of religion” – totally agree that – the main problem isn’t the religion (whatever it is) but these evil and without morality humans who act rotten in the name of a disguise… :-/

  27. Pingback: My 1st week of February thus far ( Sat-Wed) « niki1k

  28. Oh how I wish everyone would think like this!!! It’s such a darned troubled world out there, and more religions that we can handle with sanity!

    • Amen to that Usha and its surprising that most people think like us but when in a different group they change so much ,this herd mentality, this thirst to please every one has to go only then people can do what is right and not what is popular

  29. What you say is quite true. I mean the saddest part about modern existence is the sense of disillusionment that humans have to deal with on a regular basis. I guess that in a way is the reason which provides the twisted preachers to bleh-bleh the ‘religious’ masses into illogical and destructive collective action. To be honest, as a guy who is nearing the mid 20s of his life, it just saddens me, all this ethereal venomous shite that the preachers out there lay claim to. But I know one thing, all this will lead the world and human society into a division – that of the haves and havenots; those that have humanity and those that do not i.e. And that is a scary proposition if you ask me.

  30. I expressed to my coworker this past Sunday(2/3/2013) That there is GOD and then there is religion- we as a people need to Learn more of GOD and less of religion- Yesterday (Tues 2/5/2013) I almost had a similar conversation again- and then this morn ( Wed, 2/6/2013) I expressed to my daughter -”I may not fit the “Godly image” they think I should but ask God how much good I have done and I guarantee my list outweighs the ones who judge me!!!” – Many continued Blessings
    There is a reason this has been a topic for me so far this week

  31. I have missed you Soma, you return with such wisdom.

  32. Very wise words indeed, Soma, and I agree. And of course, we are all human first. Until we grasp that, there will be no peace of any sort. Your post was worth waiting for! 🙂

  33. I was getting worried about you since I hadn’t seen you around in so long. It’s so nice that you’re back, Soma.

    That was a very heartfelt post, and I agree with you on just about all of it. When religion is used for good or to help people find peace and to respect others, it can be a very positive force in the world. Unfortunately too many people take a religion and twist it to their own liking, and then want to impose it on others. More often than not in an effort to control or manipulate them. Humans can be pretty self-centered and evil. If we could use our energies to work together and to help each other and to improve our world, what we could achieve is almost limitless.

  34. Oh Soma! What wisdom in this post. You have explained your frustration and angst very well. I agree it is what people do in the name of religion that make religion appear to be false. After reading your assessment I see you as a kind and loving person who truly does love and pray to God for your fellow humans around the world.

    I pray for you Soma to always keep your sense of goodness and right deep in your heart, in your mind and on your lips.

    Bless you

  35. Soma, this is so well said, it’s amazing, and I agree with you wholeheartedly! It’s also good to see you back, too, as I have just returned this year from a little break, which you knew about. Anyway, although we go to church and have our “religion” it means nothing if we don’t act as though God is Love. There are many people I know who don’t believe in a higher power and honestly, they’re better “Christians” than people I know who claim they are Christians! I just wish we all could get along, agree to disagree and accept each other for who we are, what we believe in and what we stand for and go on our merry way. I guess that is the true meaning of world peace…sending hugs to you, my friend, and I hope your restlessness will calm soon…xoxo

    • I am so glad i met you Lauren, life becomes easy if you have great understanding friends..specially with whom one can talk about anything…loved your reply
      love n hugs 🙂

      • I’m glad I met you, too, Soma! You are a beautiful, loving and giving soul and the world needs more of You! Let’s hope the crazy, meaningless violence dissipates and is replaced by peace for all cultures…I want it, too, and is just so saddened by all that is happening in the world.

        Sending lots of hugs and much love your way today and always! xo

  36. Soma, this is so beautifully and wonderfully said! You expressed it so much better than I could have but I certainly do agree with your words…God is Love! It’s so good to see you back, you are so needed here…Expressing what needs to be said in your special way.Autumn and I only started back to blogging again a short while ago ourselves…Much needed break sometimes does wonders and is necessary. Sending lots of love and hugs your way…Gabby 🙂

    • Gabby !!!! OMG!! i missed you… oh i so missed you…
      you and autumn are such beautiful souls,I am back and what a lovely suprise are you
      oh i will be in your blog soon.. gotta celebrate some fun national days 🙂

  37. Reblogged this on Kindredspirit23's Blog and commented:
    This post is from my dear friend Soma. I missed reading her posts for so long. Yet, this is not her normal, happy post. Instead, it is a wonderful post about God and religion and what we really need to be doing.

  38. I am going to reblog this, Soma. It will only be twice I have done that, but this message is what I talk about so much and people do not always listen. I will also post to FaceBook.
    People need to hear. Thank you so much.
    And, it is so good to have you back!

    • Thanks a gazillion times Scott, my mom told me you asked her how i was doing
      you are such a lovely friend and thanks for the reblog
      hugs 🙂

        • I saw your gravatar in one of my recent posts and realized how long it had been since I read something of yours. I understand when life gets in the way. I push to do a daily post because I know that I will, eventually, just stop down the road if I don’t. Each to their own. Did want you to know that I really miss the smiles I get when I read one of your fantasy journeys with the animals or characters. This world needs a lot of that, so just know that you help a bit when you do have time and do blog. This is not to be any pressure for you to start again more often, just a praise letting you know it is appreciated.

  39. Amen to that, Soma!

  40. Oh darling Soma, Missed you and I am so glad to see you back!!! Well expressed anguish and I totally agree with you. Organized religion has been a source of many atrocities all over the world… when a person believes in respecting another human for who he or she is and respecting not to tamper on other beliefs would be much closer to God I guess.
    Love seeing you back and I have only been a erratic blogger since last June 🙂

    • Aparna there were so many things happening in and around my life, and i got caught and lost in it..thank god i am out of it..missed you guys and blogging..
      Thank you so much
      hugs 🙂

  41. With BA degree and MA degree in religious studies I just keep it simple now. I live never being the source of anyone’s misfortune and never pass up the opportunity to perform a charitable act. I think that puts us OK with God and humanity. Far too many people cannot even do these 2 “most important of all” things.

  42. It’s so wonderful to see you back and writing Soma 🙂 You wrote exactly what is in your heart and I so much agree. I just wish the world were different, too. It’s sad and scary what is happening everywhere. I don’t understand it either. What you said about how we can serve God is right on! That’s what important that’s what we are here for. Wonder will it ever be that way everywhere? I know I’m such a dreamer. Thanks so much for writing this, Soma. It is so much needed in the world today.
    Sending you loads of love and hugs ♥

  43. A true outpouring of a frustrated heart which believes there is no other better religion than humnaity and we in due course of tiem have forgotten about it.The differentcaste ,creed,sects,religion,nation,continents,gender,colour have made us forget that we all are after all humans.No better than animals are behaving right now,clutching and tearing each other to fulfill our ambitious desires of power ,money,and fame. So truly you reflected the anger and the fury within. Very well expressed!

    • Soumyav what a lovely reply, Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts.
      seriously what has happened to us, how can we be so ruthless , so indifferent….
      recent events in our country has really scared me a lot..and its not just one or two recent events a lot happens behind closed doors,and even on broad day lights and yet not a single soul helps… hope it changes soon
      Thanks again
      sending you love n hugs 🙂

  44. To Be Human Is Enough. Great post. Great thoughts.

  45. Reblogged this on OAK.

  46. HEY SOMA——-piękne słowa o tolerancji….

  47. Bravo Soma. I couldn’t have said it that well. Everything you say above is how I feel – how lost most people are following the rules written by another, interpreted by another, re-written by yet another. If they looked in their own hearts they would feel the truth. Hurting others can never be the truth. Let the puritanical live in their delusion, their fairy story – I want no part of their petty differences. Let’s celebrate the wonder of this Earth and stop arguing over who made it and why. Good to have you back. 🙂

    • Thank you so much Stuart. so much violence in the name of politics and religion, people are deprived of their basic rights and all these Godmens can think of is to ban a book..i mean come one stand up for a real issue and stop spreading hatred…every one is equal if the man made tags are removed
      loved your idea of celebrating the wonderful earth and stop abusing and arguing over non issues
      big hugs 🙂

  48. Welcome back, Soma! You bounced back with so much insight, courage and determination. You are right on point! Religion was neither the point of creation, nor the point that the references of faith were pointing to.
    The summary of life is love.
    We were created by God to love one another and to enjoy a peaceful co-existence.
    In my opinion, any faith that works against this, is not of God. God is love and love is of God.
    That is spirituality. To be selfless. To assist others with survival and to better their lot.
    I love your courage and confidence on this matter. Welldone!

  49. your prayer resonates with positive feelings. Am sure the rivers, the mountains, the animals, the birds and the trees will carry them to many more corners of this universe and bring about a change for the better.

  50. Nice to have you back with this post. My response is my belief in this quote Bonnie Raitt ~ ‘Religion is for people who are scared to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there’.

    Cheers 🙂

  51. And she is back! – My dear dear Soma – and what an avalanche of shooting words. All anchored in Truth, of course.

    May I wish you welcome and peace,

  52. Soma, your self-less heart always gives birth to truths that you see, and you present them always in the breath of a pure love, never sugar coated. You love all, and in that action, you bring to our world a beautiful light and blessing. People choose to do good or bad and much is done in the name of religion, that is evil, Most serve money, and that is their God, and they are corrupted by this evil. They will answer for all that they do.Their religion is but a word,Religion is man made, God is the most supreme living being, the creator of all that lives. If he cries when a sparrow dies, He also does for everything that lives. He has a set time when all will answer for their deeds. There are always opposites for everything in life, love and hate, peace and war, birth and death, good and evil, the only essence that will not change as humans do is the one who is perfect beyond all. His light always shines brightly and His power is everlasting. The choices of humans tarnish themselves. There are many who live in His true spirit, they love, they care, they are kind, they help, they heal, they pray, they help the poor, protect the helpless, the widows, the old, the very young they are their caretakers and they live their lives in such a way, that they glorify God with their every breath of life not looking for anything in return, but out of love. For Gods love lives in their hearts, and that love shines brightly as it does in yours. For every action of evil there are thousands of love that are done every day…but it is never sensationalized! Embrace His love that lives in your heart, nothing in this world born here is perfect, we shall be imperfect until we face the creator that final day when our body no longer breathes and our spirit stands before him in judgement. But the wise man or woman will choose one day in their life whether to follow and honor the living God or the worldly ones made by their imperfect imaginations God is love! And faith in that love can move mountains and bring about change. God bless you and your family also my beloved sister!

  53. Sach Kaha Soma tumne. I fully agree. In our country people do not worship or think of god because they believe in him, they just blindly follow customs and rituals to appease god because they are scared of god. Silly people they don’t realise, god is within us and all the humbug happening outside is only power play.

  54. I feel equally frustrated and enraged Soma. The India as we knew it seems to be disappearing slowly but surely. The moral brigade on the rampage in our country aren’t ‘religious’. These are opportunistic bullies. It saddens me, fills me with despair actually, when educated people like us get fooled by the religion tag, and take up for their cause!
    You might find this searing piece about the current protests in Calcutta interesting

    • So agree with you is kind of funny and very sad in a way that when the whole world looks at us for spiritualism, here in the land it is zero, zero tolerance and zero understanding for anything which is difference and this intolerance is getting violent as each day goes
      i read the article and the situation is pathetic everywhere..not a single party in power we can trust..

  55. Soma, I am happy to see you. Joseph talked about having missed you too. I didn’t know you weren’t posting until he told me. I’m glad you’re back. I know awful things are happening her and in your country too. It is an unsettling time, and we are seeing the worst of human behavior all over the world. I cannot offer any explanation for it either. I share your philosophy; it has not changed throughout my life. I can only tell you to carry on in the same way that you have lived your life. You cannot be responsible for the way in which anybody else lives. It is said that we change the world one person at a time. Perhaps, that is enough. Do not despair. The sun is shining somewhere! 🙂

    • Oh its lovely to hear from you George, for a long time health issues kept me away from wordpress, and then the country in rough dark phase…all the religious fanatisicm,political bullying and common man indifference has been hurting a lot…but as you said Sun is shining somewhere, i hope some if the sun rays touch and weave magic in this part of earth…
      hugs 🙂

  56. Very pit pat…..well worded….and such a literary mirror you showed us Soma….respect your style of veiwing things and loveee and appreciate the way you pen them down……for me its always a welcome read. But yes……the issues are grave…and we chose to be blindfolded…..we have been collosally abusing Gods creations……

  57. I have often asked the same question. Why do people get so worked up over books, and different views or protesting funerals and businesses when they could create real positive change by stopping violence, prejudice and hate? Why are these god loving protestors not in Steubenvile, Ohio or the streets of any violence filled neighborhood of their own town? It boggles my mind that many of us are so easily filled with hate from this make believe religion that very human men made up for very human reasons.

    I choose to laugh at the silliness and ask why because my old reactions were to be angry and want justice in blood. The latter never solved anything, but the former gives me inner peace.

    • no religion in the world teaches hatred but those who want to spread hatred will manipulate everything

      • Indeed. All those manipulators throughout the years preaching hate have made religion into a very passive-hateful belief though my eyes. Then I hear messages of how this prophet or that god loves everyone no matter what. It is odd that religion lasts with so many contradicting messages.

  58. I may not be of a religious mind, but a lot (a very large portion) of your points I agree.

    • Hear you..thanks a bunch 🙂
      my point is follow what you wAnt to but don’t forget to be human and for Love of your God stop preaching hate….these self proclaimed Godmen and their theories and protests ..o_O

      • I have my own beliefs, but I have better things to do with my time than to treat someone with differing viewpoints like they are lower than me. Although it took me a long time from learning the hard way to get to that point.

        It is nice that you spoke what you felt and stuck to your guns about it. 🙂

        • oh how i wish i could say the same about having better things to do…last year 600 rape cases just in Delhi and only few of the culprits got caught and even fewer got any punishment that too because we went down on streets and asked for our rights today it is someone elses daughter tomorrow it may be mine…situation is really bad here ..people are getting arrested for expressing their views on twitter and facebook, prices are at all time high and these religious heads are hell bent on widening the gaps…
          i am not trying to put someone down instead am telling others treat everyone else as a human first , just human, no religion,caste class tag only then you will be able to do justice..


Word Hug