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About Me

In the beginning there was nothing and on the Fifth day God created Blogs and then God said back up your data, protect your blog and listen to the spammers, they are just brilliant with words.

My Blog is an extension of what I am today. where I stand in this whole wide wild world. some poetry some prose and lots of spice

I live and breathe in them for what will my creations be if they dont have my soul in them. Humour, Satire, Silly Fun, Nonsense verses all that which makes me a Zombie Favourite is here.
Call it a blog of quirky mind or an eccentric soul but I am here and I love this insanity,with a dash of ( huge dollops) of fine whining every now and then.

I have dedicated my life working for kids with Autism and/or any challenge.

A mom, and an activist, I love to write about current issues as well as anything that amuses and tickles my grey cells, well  that pretty much sums up everything about me.
wish you all a very happy reading may you find peace and contentment in what you read and may what you read fill your life with happiness and warmth.

Umm look whatever you just read may or may not be true, umm i mean i could have made the whole thing about ..umm


174 responses »

  1. Thank you for your visit and your like ..lovely blog you have 🙂

  2. Soma, great to meet a sister blogger who shares a passion for blogging. I love your sense of humour, both in your writing and your cartoons. Thanks for visiting and following my blog…I am having fun reading my way through yours!

  3. Good Evening my sweet, gentle and beautiful friend. It has been some time since I have see you at my blog site, so I thought I would come over and say “Hello.” iI came across one of your comments from last year which brought me to a desire to connect with you again. Blessings in your journey. Wish you and yours were here this evening enjoying the beautiful stars above the water at my lakehome, here in East Texas.

  4. Here is a hug for you my sister, last night I nominated you for the 2013 Blog of The Year Award on my blog site! You are always so genuine and real in what you share and you have the best sense of humor. You light up the blogs with the happiness that is yours. You are deserving always! Congratulations and God bless you and your family! Have a wonderful week ahead…hugs and blessings always Soma!

  5. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle

  6. I have nominated you for a bunch of awards because I think you are so awesome and your blog is great –

  7. Pingback: A Bunch of Awards | <3..........Laura Crean...........<3

  8. Pingback: A Bunch of Awards | The Well in the Garden

  9. I just have one word for this blog- mindblowing. I have never come across such vibrant content that is so alive. A perfect cocktail of everything that i have been looking forward to reading in a blog. Thanks a lot for sharing all your thoughts. I guess I will be following you a lot here.

  10. This is the first time I’ve wondered onto the page. Love it! Did you do the drawings in the video? Thank you, Hottie!

  11. Just stumbled upon your blog( isn’t that wonderful? the way you discover good things in life by sheer coincidence or accident?), and I have to say I loved it. I’m always a little hesitant typing on celebrity bloggers’ pages, like, you know, I would be if I were to discuss Bollywood with Big B, but well, it seemed unfair just to follow without some sort of acknowledgement. The best thing about your blog is that it all comes very evidently straight from the heart. And yes, I love the occasional humor as well. great work.

    • Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving this lovely comment here, I am not very good with keeping my pages updated and hence the delay. Hope you forgive me 🙂
      wish you a lovely day 🙂

  12. I miss you! Please come back and visit my blog. I was gone for a spell, but returned. We always return somehow…

  13. Wow! This is a beautiful place to get a lot of delightful things to read. I sure will be reading more 🙂 Thanks for linking me to you.


  14. nirbhayasindia

    You blog is superb and you are too. The work you are doing is great. You rock!

  15. What a gift you have for bringing light hearted mirth to my desk. I will henceforth require my daily Soma Blog fix! LOL

  16. Apparently you are a celebrity blogger. And I don’t know what to say when I am in such spaces.
    But that apart, your blog is intriguing indeed. Will have to come around to feel more of it 🙂
    Thank you.

  17. Be health care a mating master!

  18. Interesting site. Transports me back to my happy days in India

  19. Soma, I have been thinking about you for awhile. Your last posts were in September? What is the matter with you, child? I miss you. Please come back. 🙂

  20. Hi Soma! I got an opportunity to nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award
    It would be my pleasure if you please accept & oblige

    Here is a Link:

  21. My sister Soma, back when I first began here at wordpress, you always helped me, guided me, taught me some things about the computer, but you blessed me my sister, and no better sister can one have. You really influenced me with your caring, selfless heart, with your golden spirit, so aways refreshing and you never turned away…so I nominated you for a new award that so relflects your life and spirit, on the 12th, on my post I nominated you for the Most Influential Blog Award for 2012. I can never fully repay you so I thought I would share you the blessing I received. Thanks for the smile, the goodness and the hugs and love you always send our way…you are a blessing that God will always love…and may He bless you and your family endlessly! Congratulations!!!!!!

  22. Thank you for accepting the invite into my poetic cavern
    and call in sometime, when you can, and hopefully you
    will find something that you will like 🙂

    Poet 365

  23. Hi Soma,

    It’s me…the one who dropped off blogville for about 3 months. And now I’m back, but you’re gone! I hope everything is okay, but I’m going to email you because I’m concerned…just know you are missed and I was looking forward to seeing you again, my sister and friend!
    Love, Hugs and Blessings, Lauren 🙂

  24. It’s after a long time that I’ve come across a blog that has truly touched my heart! Hats off to you.

  25. Hallo there,

    I’ve a christmas card for you! : ) You can pick it up here
    Have a nice day

    Sweet greetings, Summer

  26. Have a funtastic rest of your
    weekend Soma my great friend 🙂 😉

    Andro XXx

  27. Happened to be on your blog by chance…. I must tell you that you are maintaining wonderful blog. there are many aspects to what you put up here. Like it.

  28. Nice blog with pinch of humorous contents.. great.. like it 🙂

  29. I love all the articles and topics in your blog. It’s really awesome, I’ll be reading back through some of your posts soon

    In the meantime, I’ve decided to pass on the Inspiring Blog Award to you. It’s a badge you can put in your side bar, and nominate others if you’d like. Here’s the link of my award nomination so that you have an idea of what it is:

    Inspiring Blog Award ! 🙂

    Keep doing what you do! All the very best!!

  30. Howdy,

    Lovely blog with laced with nice humor! And so I become the 128th commentator 🙂

    Kind regards and all the best!

    • Thanks Dilip,today is about me page day …don’t know how i missed so many comments .i mean i am a sloth but this just meakes me super sloth..
      Thanks for this lovely comment 🙂

  31. I really like your blog….its quite innovative

  32. _░▒███████














    and i could go on and on about what the astronomers heard from Soma Star ……..
    You are – one of my muses ………….
    Everything artist has at least …….1 .,………..:)
    i don’t know how it happened – i have never had a female muse before …..
    always boys boys boys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but for some reason – maybe there is no reason ………..
    ?? 🙂
    I feel like i could write a whole book on You .
    what is that all about ……..
    Could You tell me soma star ?
    i have no idea – because i have the next excerpt in heart already
    i put you in my category – Love Letters –
    but i don’t think that is enough –
    i am going to sleep now ……..
    I spoke to a man tonight on the phone that i hadn’t spoken to for 15 years ///// the man i dated just before i met the man i married – then divorced ……… it’s like something in time is changing , yeah i know i sound like a nuttball !!!!!!

    uncanny days and night ……… !!!!!!!!! feel like you are hovering about clouds and smiling ………
    i am still in my music land . but if you will allow me
    i would love to have a whole category / menu thingy
    on my muse – this little soma star and her adventures
    rather- what she taught the astronomers ………….
    You have lifted my heart to new heights – because you remain
    YOU ……..
    so let me know – ok ? yay or nay ?
    soma star – in the menu – and what she taught …..
    It would be my honour ……. humbly so …………..
    Thank You for allowing me to stay in the sky ……. with the stars i love so much …….
    to new heights of happiness – infused into every one of my cells ………… Seriously ///////
    what is up with that ?

    Yay or Nay on email is fine .,…..
    like last time ……..
    Goodnight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you can view this ….if not
    “Such Great heights ” The Postal Service
    GREAT SONG ……………..

    • a big big big yay…
      can i ever say no to such a generous offer..i mean i am a real nut but not this insane ..
      hey i sent you something in your mail…i made it for you..hope you like it 🙂

      • You did ? !!!!!!!!!!! i will have to check ……..
        i just got uppppppppppp – maybe it went to spam ? Bearman goes to spam ….. i miss out on a lot of good stuff – my spam filter thingy is high i guess .

        I am GONNA CHECK ! woohoo xx
        Thank you 🙂 xx
        Okay so It’s a Yay !!!!!!!!!!!! Not a NAY or Ney ? lol
        Gimme the coffee ………… loll xo
        I will start that little menu thing later ……..
        and weave it through xo
        I gotta figure how to put it on a page —– yeah feels like i am talking to myself …lololololol
        COME ON COFFEE !!!!!!!!!!!!! work your magic ….:)

        Okay Soma Star ………….
        Gonna check in later …………
        i am gonna drink a BOWL of coffe and organize my brain …………..
        You gotta see the sunrise here this morning
        Like a Monet painting ….. signs of good things me thinky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        YAY for The YAY
        and Love xx

  33. Nice to meet you Soma, I dropped in via Cat’s Blog post.. Wishing you a Great Day, and you sound ONE Great Lady 🙂 With one Great Blog.
    Sue Dreamwalker

  34. Hello Soma, I stumbled upon your blog through someone else’s.Loved what you write, it is brilliant. Will stick around here. Looking forward to see more of your work. Great to know that you work with children with autism and other challenges. I work with them too, though I am quite sure that I am not as experienced as you are. Anyway, lovely blog. Cheers!! 🙂

  35. Hope the lights are on, Soma! I worried about you yesterday. It was even worse than before! Stay cool, child. 🙂

  36. parashartales

    I am honoured to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Please pick-up your award at Copy and Paste the Award to your blog and follow the rules of acceptance. I am very aware that some people do not wish to participate in Awards, and I completely respect that… no strings! But in any case, Congratulations, you have a Lovely Blog

  37. Soma, I am tagging you for the Lucky 7 Meme. If you would like to participate, you can check it out on Friday at: Thanks!

  38. Hey!
    I stumbled on your blog and found that I enjoyed a bit of your writing (even your about me–the part that someone’s up there laughing thinking you’ve figured it out, resonated with me!).
    I’ll be coming back a few times to check out your poetry.
    take care.

  39. Love you, Sweet Lady and master weaver of tales. 🙂

  40. beautifulrisks

    Soma, what a treasure to find your blog, I really connect with it!!! Your writing is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing and keep writing from the heart 🙂

  41. Soma, just nominated your for the Midnight Blogger Award! If you accept, please see my blog for the usual rules-n-such.

  42. Love your blog Soma! Imagine a young man reading your blog all the day instead of working in office ha hah! i’m doing it right now 🙂

  43. I love your banner, the light bulb during into the sun! Is that a great idea taking off? Lovely anyway!!

  44. Hi Soma! I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!! 🙂

  45. hey !!!

    your poetry is great….and the way you describe yourself is like …. ufff i don’t k9 wat 2 say…. its great.

  46. Soma, I passed on the One Lovely Blog award to you in my last post. You do have one lovely blog, you know. And, you are one lovely person too! I wanted to share your blog with any of my followers who don’t know you. Thank you for being you and for accepting one old lady! The award is posted for you on my blog. 🙂 BTW, I loved the last poem.

  47. jakesprinter

    Great page you have here my friend , I update my about page too
    We all know this Like box option is very late in appearance more power to your blog 🙂

  48. Hey Soma! I stumbled upon your blog through someone else’s and I’m so glad that i did! I like what you write and really appreciate what you do.Hope to read more of your stuff 🙂

  49. Thanks visit my blog. Are you from India? I have 4 people from there that follow my blog.

  50. Your blog is so much fun so I am giving you the Beautiful Blogger award.

    (passing it along is up to you)

    Also thanks so much for adding my book to your blog. I really appreciate your support and am glad you like it enough to share.

  51. You have been nominated Illuminating Blogger award, details at

  52. A plesant n awesome blog…

    • Aha and that is why i have been sweating so much lately…and i blamed the hot indian weather
      Thank you so much Freddy,its such an honour
      will drop by and find out about the rules

  53. Hello, I see you at couple of places I hangout regularly. You’ve got a lot going on this blog & I am sure it will be an interesting read. Two things that specifically caught my eye are 1) Hindi section – that might become my regular stop 2) Lambretta. My father owned a falcon (cousin of lambretta by different company. Thy make LML now). We all got tired of it (especially loud sound compared to bajaj), but he never lost his interest in that two wheeler. He had it until he immigrated to US!! Looking forward to read lambretta stories of you are covering any here 🙂

  54. Pingback: Sunshine Award and Very Inspiring Blogger Award « The Chaotic Soul

  55. Awesome blog. Its different its special. Cheers 🙂


  56. A Biiiiig Word Hug is exactly what you deserve! Thank you for enlightening my late morning with your beautiful pieces, I truly enjoyed them…and definitely look forward to exploring more! =) Take care, Que

    • Aww you are a sweetheart thank you so much for this lovely hug,Am following you too 🙂
      you are such a beautiful poet,loved your blog
      Wish you a lovely day 🙂

  57. You are a beautiful piece of this world! Keep on inspiring and lifting…it will come easily to you always for God wants it that way for your life! Hugs!

  58. There’s so much to read on your blog that I must suspend all other activities for at least a day. Boy am I glad to meet you.

  59. Any cause is your cause, especially if its for the good of others! Your work for children with Autism and probably the love that you have and show to everyone you meet! Especially the way you touch them through your messages, your poems and your spirit! You have the midas touch…and blessings will always come to you in such a enduring way! You are very special to all who know you and care about you…so early this morning i nominated you for the “Hug” Award! The info is on my site. Probably 2nd one down! (you know i am always writing) You will always be close to me, because of your spirit…we have that same (creative and spiritual DNA) So congrats and here’s a special HUG my sister!

  60. Love your blog Soma! Funny and inspirational at the same time! Look forward to reading more! Take care.

  61. You are too wonderful for words, Soma!

    Hugs xx

  62. Hey. I enjoy reading your posts here and thanks again for visiting my site. Thank you for listing me in your blogroll. I don’t think I had noticed that and it is so nice of you to do so. I have no idea whether what I write is of any worth but it is so nice of you to do that. Thank you again and good luck with all of your endeavours.

  63. fivereflections

    nice to meet you

    David in Maine USA

  64. Hi Soma!!
    You know something, I was just shuffling my bag to look for a gift for you…and see what surprise I have… 🙂
    I have nominated you for The Sunshine Award!! 🙂 Just follow this link below:

    You so deserve this…
    My gift to you…preserve this 😛 😀
    Love you for what you are…keep smiling bright 😉

    *Love and hugs*


  65. I may have to back up and watch “Dexter” – big horror fan. TWD and Grimm – 2 of my favs on the TV.

  66. Hey! Thanks so much for listing me in your blog roll. That was a welcome surprise 🙂

  67. Hello Soma!

    I have nominated you for the Creative Chaos Award. For more information, go here:

    George 🙂

  68. I love your motivations and the wonderful things you stand for….we can all learn something from you….you have a lovely blog
    Thanks for the visit and the follow….very nice to meet you….

  69. Hi Soma,

    I would like to say thank you to you for subscribing to my blog. I hope you have a joyful ride in each of your visits. 🙂 Thank you and have a lovely weekend, my friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  70. You got a wonderful blog with a lot of creativity pouring in from your grey cell. Looking forward to read all you posts



    ACUTE -PERHAPS ……. 🙂


  72. Looks like a great blog!

  73. Pingback: Day 55: Ghosts and Crumbs « Everyday Asperger's

  74. Hi Soma,

    You have a lovely blog up here. Well done! Keep writing and keep inspiring! I am sure many readers will find your posts inspiring.

    After taking a joyful ride in your blog, I would like to kindly invite you to visit mine. Thank you and have a lovely day, my friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  75. wow! i was amazed when i went through your blog, your work is truly exceptional. i’m grateful for this connection so far, looking forward to reading more of your work. keep up the good work.

  76. Hi Soma!
    I can’t express how glad I am to come across your blog!
    Your blog is one of the finest that I have seen, and read.
    It’s warm, beautifully done, and comprises lovely pieces of writings.
    I read your articles on Autism and Kids, and I found them very thought-provoking.
    I really love your poetry, especially the Hindi ones. They touched my heart!

    Your writing tells how wonderful a person you must really be. The best thing about your writing is that it’s straight from the heart, and the thought behind it is truly inspiring.

    I have a blog too, and believe me your blog is a true inspiration to write better and better! I used to write Hindi poems for a long time. You have instilled the zeal in me to start my Hindi Poems blog!

    Thank you for your lovely writing, Soma.

    Keep going!

    – Lopa

  77. Dear Soma,

    I’ve nominated you for the Hope Unites Globally (HUG) Award. If you choose to accept this award, here are the guidelines: Thank you for making the world a better place with your writing. xx

  78. Pingback: One Way or Two Way | My Random Thoughts

  79. silentfingers

    “officially declared insane” — sounds fair in this insanely sane world.
    Soma, am glad that I stumbled upon you through another “certified lunatic”, who also happens to be the most lovely and funny person.
    I salute your causes and dedication in life.
    Bless you!

  80. Happy Holi, Soma 🙂
    Couldn’t post a comment there, so dropped by here 🙂 Thank you for sharing those stories about Holi!

  81. Thank for stopping by my blog and commenting. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts. ~ Sam

  82. great blog you’ve got! good work 🙂

  83. Awards for you… all taht you have gifted, shared with you again 🙂

    Hot on the heels…

  84. I reached here through the warrior wisdom blog, and was the hooked.
    You’ve got a great blog here.

  85. Delightful. Delovely. Delicious. – So glad to have found your blog!!

  86. Not sure if I wrote a comment here before (I guess I could scroll down and see) but them I may not have the excuse to say I love your “quirky mind and eccentric soul 😛

  87. Hi Soma,

    I’ve nominated you for the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD, so please visit me for more info:

  88. Hey Som… its so nice to read your blogs and your thoughts.
    I think that you doing a wonderful job and I truly appreciate that.
    I’ll definitely be looking forward to more of your writings.

  89. Raven of Leyla

    You are a gift of sunshine in this land of bloggers, Soma 😀
    I am delighted to begin our friendship and look forward to many years ahead!
    smiles across the miles,

  90. With such a fine introduction I know
    instinctively that I will enjoy venturing
    through your Space, of course if you
    are anywhere near as eccentric as I
    am then I will definitely feel right at
    home here, and thank you for calling
    into My Gothic Realm also 🙂

    I do hope that you will call again soon
    and take a little tour, I have removed a
    vast amount of my scripts but as I add
    rather frequently I feel sure that you will
    find something wicked, or nutty, did I
    say nutty? Well perhaps even naughty
    also? 🙂 Have a great rest of week and
    indeed an exquisitely delightful 2012 🙂

    Androgoth Xx

    • Your blog is an absolute delight thanks for such lovey comments…nutty naughty vampirish werwolvish all are so welcome:-)

      • Yes but what about the Zombies? 🙂 lol
        Don’t worry they are always locked up of
        an evening, or watching re-runs of ‘The
        Last Zombie in Paris’, or was it a Tango?
        Have a wonderful rest of evening now
        and have some fun too 🙂

        Androgoth Xx

  91. Awards for you too, Soma, even though You may have received the same from others 🙂 Thank you for the honour, and congratulations!

    Added to the Mantelpiece are…

  92. Blood-Ink-Diary

    Hmmm….”peanut butter jam sandwich” — great to know such sandwiches are in demand!! Wonderful blog that engages the mind with humour and intelligence, a great combination you attribute!

  93. Love your blog! Also thanks for adding me to your blogroll and the follow. I have subcribed to your blog and will put you on my blogroll as well. Thank you.

  94. Crisp and succinct … 🙂 Love your introduction of yourself! I do admire your writing, and what you do, especially working with children who have autism. God Bless!!!

  95. I am happy to hear of your love for justice and having some fun (shows like Dexter which I also watch) as well. Good balance.

    I met an old woman in a wheelchair yesterday at a rehab centre. She could only move her right thumb and perhaps another finger. Her head she could not move because of a recent muscle issue. She was completely paralyzed otherwise. She had a blue tooth device connected to her ear which allowed her to control her wheelchair. The amazing thing was that she appeared to be happy and was even smiling during my conversation with her. I thought that this must be a recent injury- recalling something from the Batman movie that you die young enough to retain your innocence or live long enough to be a villain. To my surprise, she said she was born this way. I have often prejudged that anyone who is born this way cannot attain happiness. I was surprised. I left my contact information for her and I to speak more. Her friend advised me that this woman is brilliant and she believes in God. It reminded me of what I had written, in response to my own experience which is far less traumatizing than hers, that:

    The Life Force
    Posted on May 29, 2011 by Moiz Billah

    I met an Arched Tree like myself:

    Though broken it shot its branches towards the sun.

    The Arched Tree showed me:

    The most evident purpose of life is to live it as our nature dictates,

    If we must, we walk to heaven without legs


    I suspect that this “Life Force” is what may be her secret of happiness. If I get to speak to her again, I will share what she has to say.

    • Thanks for the share and comment Moiz…Amazing isnt it while people all over crib over the inane fight and protest in name of petty little things people like the lady you mentioned show us how small every thing else is,how beautiful this life is and can be if we really try….

  96. Thanks for the compliment Arjun am following your blog too, learning so much from all the blogs:-)

  97. hey love ur style of writing. following u from now on…

  98. You have interesting blog and beautiful header luvit. I will be coming back soon to read more have a good weekend…… 🙂

  99. It was a delight to know about you,I’m enlightened.

  100. Thanks enjoyed reading your blog have subscribed to it 🙂

  101. hii,,this is my first read here,,& i’m loving it.. 🙂

    i loved reading through your site..!!
    i am following it.

    by the way, i am Shiny, a new blogger and i love penning down my feelings and thoughts, if u can just comment on my posts,,so as to make the future posts better..

    ..and i just love reading any poetry & literature..


Word Hug