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Curio’s new friends-5 by Stuart Young

There are so many things in this beautiful world that are synonymous with happiness.
Smell of earth and the way world looks after the first showers, even the sunlight looks all fresh and clean..
The smell of something being baked or grilled,the croak of frogs in the rain,the sound of crickets chirping in the night.
Going for a trekking and finding out a mango tree all dressed up with fruits and then sit near a stream and eat them getting all messy
hugs,smell of books,hearty laughter ( don’t know any other way),dancing and singing
watching kids play games in park,their mischiefs and pranks,their excuses so cute
watching clouds form patterns and playing the guessing game
splashing in the puddle…
 when our loved ones find a reason to smile 🙂
and for those who are happy souls the list is endless…
And if you are wonderfing why i am singing this ‘happy-appy’ song its cos one of my friends
 Stuart has launched his book in a fabulous event recently.I will be sharing some pics of that event later in this post.
And cos there is an air of happiness around I am feeling generous too,so the 5th part of the Curio series is all yours to read and enjoy,which by the way may have something to do with love or at least the beginning of it
“when the same world all of a sudden wears a spring look
when the stolen glances have all the beauty of rainbow”
In this part of the series curio might have met someone but to know more you will have to read it and find out
and that someone may have liked him too,Nope, no way, no more read it and find out
there may be a triangle of….. hey i told you its a secret,and no one keeps  secret as I do …..
Stuart is so good with teasing his readers,4th part was about surviving the harsh weather and the rough sea  and 5th is about making friends, but for how long will this calmness and serenity last?
hmmmm….oh but this is life…unpredictable with sweet sour events on platter
Click the image  to read the book in Google document
Now the very special part of this post
Stuart Young’s book (HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE,One day at a time)launch was on may 20th
Please click the Book Cover below to know more about the book launch and to get more information on where you can buy your copy
or you can click the top widget on the right side widget bar to take you there
[About this book-Stuart says This book started off as a series of Tweets – “Take the opportunity today to hug someone you love, just for the hell of it! That was the first one, then out came another and another and pretty soon I was thinking of them every day. As the days ticked on I found myself thinking of more and more opportunities, each one having the possibility to change my life on that day, sometimes in a small way, sometimes in a BIG way. Eventually I decided to do one a day for an entire year and document my experiences in a journal ]
and for the launch pics click the image below,which by the way is a cake..drool
Have a great week and  remember a hug a day keeps demons away or something like that  🙂

About Soma Mukherjee

I often say things that put me in a jam, Jams go well with Buttered Toasts, Toasts are great hosts, Ghosts not so much, Although they can dance, Not all dancers are serial killers, Serial killers do not use Body bags that often, body bags aren't leak proof, Proof is in the Pudding.

47 responses »

  1. Soma, I feel you hugging me every time I visit your blog! I love Stuart Young and love Curio and love the way you tease us about Curio!

  2. That is so awesome of you to share. I know how happy he must feel having you love his work and promote it because I feel that way every time one of my friends shares my book with the world.

  3. Great post – and share!

  4. That’s a great idea for a book.
    And that cake looks like the best book I’ve ever eaten.

  5. Easiest way to let you know that I nominated you for the new award.

  6. Chciało by się zmienić wszystko w jeden dzień,…….usmiech dla ciebie i twojej córki

  7. Very nice review! It looks like a wonderful book!

  8. Hey, my sister beat me over here.
    Hi Aunty Soma. You are always so kind to everyone and I wanted to give these to you.

    Doggie hugs a plenty!

    • Cici poooocchhoooooooooo love you..big hugs and lots of kisses,just looking at your cootchie poootchiee face warms up my heart..Aww those beautiful flowers and a woof in the card is there anything sweeeter than this in than this in the whole wide world….Muuuuah 🙂

  9. You are always so kind and generous, Aunty Soma!
    These are for you!

    Doggie Hugs and kisses

  10. You are such a nice, sweet generous soul…what an introduction. Stuart is so blessed that you are his friend…and so am I!
    Love ya! Hugs xx

  11. Your opening line is a wonderful perspective about what is continuously in front of us – so thanks for being one who sees them and uses this blog to remind the rest of us.

  12. You are sooooogood with the intrduction, just loved you happy-appy song, I’ll try“Take the opportunity today to hug someone you love, just for the hell of it!” As always-in love with your prose and poetry, truely yours.

  13. I am all up for spreading the hug bug 🙂
    And your book is review is an icing on the cake!

  14. A wonderful post and celebration about positivity, love and joy. Stuart is fortunate to have a friend in you Soma – you are so very generous. God bless and keep you and yours well, Eric

  15. Great post, sounds like a great book(s) – perhaps we all need to change… slowly!

  16. Oh Soma, you are a soul so sweet. You are so kind with your intros I can barely believe it’s my story you are talking about. Thank you again. Stu x

  17. Awesome cake! Always love finding new books! Hope you had a lovely weekend, Soma.

    {HUGZ} are happy,

  18. You need to make refrigerator magnets that say “a hug a day keeps demons away”.

  19. Nice book. Thank you, becouse I read a very beutiful book


Word Hug